March 23, 2020 COVID-19 Update: Changes in Car Wash Operations
At Woody’s Express, our number one priority is to keep our employees and customers safe and healthy at all times. Thank you for your patience as we navigate through the unchartered territories of COVID-19. Effective today (Per Ohio Governor Mike Dewine), an ORDER that was issued yesterday “all non-essential businesses in the State of Ohio Must temporarily close until April 06th ”. We will be following his order and the recommendations of the CDC, state and local health officials and government leaders as they work to contain the virus.
What’s Closed & What remains Open
- Our Exterior Express Tunnel is closed until April 06 th
- Our Touchless Wash remains open 24/7 (accepts cash, credit card and Woody’s Gift Card)
- Self-Serve Bays remain open (accepts cash, credit card and Woody’s Gift Card)
- Vacuums, fragrance Shampooer remain open (accepts cash, credit card and Woody’s Gift Card)
Woody’s Management Team thanks you for your patronage and understanding during this unprecedented and challenging time. For your safety and that of our Team, we will continue to provide updates on COVID-19 and our business practice as needed. Thank you again for your business. We look forward to seeing you in the very near future!
Woody’s Express Car Wash Team
PS: Please remember to do your part to help lessen the impact of COVID-19 by thoroughly washing your hands multiple times a day using anti-bacterial soap. Use hand sanitizer frequently. Please consider helping an elderly relative and/or neighbor that can’t provide for themselves.
For up to date information from the State of Ohio Department of Health, please visit